How does the Ranking system work?

"Domination points" are awarded for every Domination conflict completed. The number of "Domination points" awarded depends upon the two teams' end scores. Calculations are then made to determine how difficult it was to attain that point score in that match.

taken into account are:
1) Map type
2) Time limit
3) Duration
4) Team skill levels.

The harder the Map was, the shorter the Time limit or Duration and the stronger the opposing team was, the more difficult the match is considered to have been. This calculated level of difficulty now adds an additional bonus to the points scored. These "Conflict points" are then distributed amongst the teams. The winners receive all the points, the losers none.

"Conflict points" are only awarded to those players who saw the match through to the end. Anyone who quits before the match ends does not receive any points.

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